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Ingo Gerhartz: masterminding air power in the 21st century

Ingo Gerhartz: masterminding air power in the 21st century

Date 16.4.2024


The landscape of global air defense is rapidly transforming, and at the forefront of this evolution is Lieutenant General Ingo Gerhartz. This exclusive interview for ACE Magazine delves deep into the realms of NATO’s military prowess, the advancements of the German Air Force, and the revolutionary changes brought by emerging aerospace technologies. Through insightful queries, […]

Revolutionizing the Skies: Liebherr and LHColus Forge New Frontiers in Air Cargo

Revolutionizing the Skies: Liebherr and LHColus Forge New Frontiers in Air Cargo

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Vrgineers to Participate in F-35 Industrial Cooperation Project for Pilot Training

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new frontier: Commercial spaceflight and its impact

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Strategic mastery: RSBC’s acquisition of STEYR ARMS catalyzes global expansion and product synergy

Strategic mastery: RSBC’s acquisition of STEYR ARMS catalyzes global expansion and product synergy

Date 24.4.2024


In a bold move that marks a significant shift in the global defense industry landscape, RSBC Investment Group has finalized the acquisition of STEYR ARMS, a prestigious Austrian firearm manufacturer with a deep-rooted history dating back to 1864. This acquisition by the Czech investment powerhouse not only broadens its defense sector footprint but also strategically […]

Petr Čepelka: Steering through the technological tides of defense

Petr Čepelka: Steering through the technological tides of defense

Date 16.4.2024


  In an era where the fusion of technology and defense strategy defines the contours of global security, Major General Petr Čepelka, commander of the Czech Air Force since 01 November 2022, embodies the leadership essential for navigating this complex terrain. His foundation in Aircraft and Missile Technology, obtained from the Military Aviation College Košice […]

Ingo Gerhartz: masterminding air power in the 21st century

Ingo Gerhartz: masterminding air power in the 21st century

Date 16.4.2024


The landscape of global air defense is rapidly transforming, and at the forefront of this evolution is Lieutenant General Ingo Gerhartz. This exclusive interview for ACE Magazine delves deep into the realms of NATO’s military prowess, the advancements of the German Air Force, and the revolutionary changes brought by emerging aerospace technologies. Through insightful queries, […]

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From local beginnings to global horizons: The Journey of a Brazilian aerospace pioneer

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  In an exclusive dialogue with ACE (Aerospace Central Europe) Magazine, Luís Colus, the CEO of LHColus, unveils the visionary path that has propelled a once modest engineering office into a beacon of innovation within the global aerospace industry. Founded in 2008, LHColus has transcended its Brazilian roots to emerge as a formidable player in […]

Awakening the Challenger: The Unstoppable Rise of Arex Defense, Guided by The Vision of its Charismatic Leader, Tim Castagne

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Date 23.8.2023


In the tranquil heart of Slovenia, amid enchanting landscapes and vibrant culture, emerges a promising contender in the world of defense technology. Nestled in this serene corner of Europe, Arex Defense, a company once shrouded in obscurity, is now positioned to disrupt the global defense sector with its unparalleled expertise and revolutionary products. Guiding this […]

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